The Past, Present and Future of Elderly Care Technician

Our interview program titled “The Past, Present and Future of Elderly Care Technician” organized by S.D.Ü. Vocational School of Health Services, Department of Health Care Services, Elderly Care Program was held on Friday, 11.10.2024 between 14:00-16:00 at Hafız İbrahim Demiralay Conference Hall. Veli Can Karaoğlan, President of YBT Solidarity Association, Fatma Kaplan, Vice President of YBT Solidarity Association, Mustafa Bal, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of YBT Solidarity Association, Mehmet Seyyid Korkut, Treasurer of YBT Solidarity Association and Aslı Bakır, Secretary of YBT Solidarity Association made their speeches. Opinions were also shared on the importance of the profession and how young people can be more effective in this field.


Within the framework of the event that continued throughout the day, Isparta Private Nursing Home Elderly Care Center Responsible Manager Alperen Sözen, Isparta Private Nursing Home Elderly Care Center Responsible Manager İlke Korkmaz, Isparta Private Nursing Home Disabled Care Center Responsible Manager İlke Korkmaz, Isparta Private Nursing Home Elderly Care Center Social Worker Eda Nur Başaranlar and the residents of the institution to our precious elders, We would like to thankYBT Solidarity Association President Veli Can Karaoğlan and all association members, our school Principal Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ümit Kara, Şakir Diyar Pekgöz, Gamze Toprak Yüce, Mustafa Kahya, Zeynep Senem Söyleyici Öcal, Head of the Department of Health Care Services, Sevilay Kılınçkaya, İsmail Caner Yavuz, all academic and administrative staff of our school and the 1st and 2nd grade students of the Elderly Care Program for their support and contributions.

Yayın Tarihi: 21/10/2024
Okunma Sayısı: 43