Authority, Duties & Responsibilities


The Director, who is the representative of the Vocational School and its units, is directly appointed by the Rector for a period of three years.The Director whose term has expired can be reappointed. The principal elects at most two persons from among the salaried lecturers of the school as the Assistant Managers for three years to assist his/her in his/her studies.

In accordance with the objectives and principles determined by the top management of Süleyman Demirel University; to perform, plan, direct, coordinate and supervise all activities necessary to carry out education and training in line with the vision and mission of the Vocational School in accordance with the principles of effectiveness and efficiency.


  • Performs the duties specified in Article 20 / b of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.
  • He/she has the ultimate authority and responsibility for the best performance of the academic and administrative functions in the Vocational School.
  • He/she represents the legal entity of the Vocational School. He/she determines the vision and strategy of the Vocational School and follows its realization.
  • To preside over the Vocational School boards, to implement the decisions of the Vocational School boards and to ensure regular work between the Vocational School units,
  • To report to the Rector on the general situation and operation of the Vocational School at the end of each academic year and when requested,
  • To inform the Rectorate about the subsidy and staff needs of the Vocational School with its justification, to submit the proposal regarding the budget of the Vocational School to the Rectorate after receiving the opinion of the MYO board of directors,
  • To carry out general supervision and control duties on Vocational School units and personnel at all levels,
  • To perform other duties assigned to his/her by this law.
  • To take the necessary security measures in the rational use and development of the teaching capacity of Vocational School and its connected units.
  • Providing necessary social services to students.
  • To carry out education, scientific research and publication activities regularly.
  • He/ she is primarily responsible to the rector for the supervision and control of all activities, monitoring and control and obtaining the results.
  • To have the authority to perform the above-mentioned duties and responsibilities.
  • To use the power of representation of Süleyman Demirel University.
  • Having the authority to sign,
  • Using spending power.
  • To have the authority to assign, direct, control, correct, warn when necessary the managers and personnel under his/her command and request information and reports from them.
  • To have the authority to punish, reward, record, train, change job and give permission to the managers and personnel under his/her command.
  • To have the authority to decide and approve the evaluations in the selection of the personnel to be recruited to the institution.


The Assistant Manager is selected by the Director from among the salaried lecturers of the Vocational School to assist his/her in his/her studies and is appointed for a maximum of three years. The director may change his/her assistants when he/she thinks it is necessary. When the duty of the director ends, the duty of his/ her assistants also ends.

In line with the vision and mission of the Vocational School, he/she works to perform all the activities necessary to carry out education and training in accordance with the principles of effectiveness and efficiency.


  • In the absence of the Vocational School Director, he/she deputizes for him/her.
  • To perform the duties assigned by the Vocational School Director.
  • To make weekly course schedules at the beginning of each academic semester.
  • Student Petitions.
  • To carry out the activities specified in the application areas of the Vocational School Procedures.
  • To provide the information and documents requested by the Vocational School Directorate for the courses and laboratories it is responsible for.
  • To make improvement studies according to the results of the course evaluation form filled by the students for the courses he/she is responsible for at the end of each semester.
  • To perform other duties specified in the Higher Education Law and Regulations.
  • To protect and preserve the documents, goods, tools and equipment related to his/her task,
  • Ensuring that security measures are taken when necessary,
  • To carry out other works and transactions given by the top managers with the process to which he/she is connected,
  • Social Activities
  • Additional Courses
  • To have the authority to perform the above-mentioned duties and responsibilities.
  • To be able to use the necessary tools and equipment for the realization of the activities.
  • To use the power of representation of Süleyman Demirel University.
  • To have the authority to assign, direct, control, correct, warn when necessary the managers and personnel under his/her command and request information and reports from them.


In accordance with the objectives and principles determined by the top management of Süleyman Demirel University; In line with the vision and mission of the Vocational School, to carry out all the activities necessary to carry out education and training in accordance with the principles of effectiveness and efficiency.


  • He/she fulfills the requirements of the articles 51/b, 51/c of ​​the Higher Education Law No. 2547.
  • He/she ensures that the administrative units in the Vocational School in accordance with the legislation and in order.
  • He/she carries out all administrative affairs of the Vocational School within and outside the University, provides necessary information to higher authorities when requested. 
  • He/she makes suggestions to the School Director about the personnel to be appointed in the administrative organization of the school.  
  • He/she provides for the conduct of internal and external correspondence.
  • He/she prepares the agenda of the Academic General Assembly, the School Board, the School Administrative Board and the School Discipline Committee and announces it to the relevant parties. acts as a reporter, prepares decisions and minutes and ensures their implementation.
  • He/she ensures that the vocational school buildings and facilities are kept usable, follows the necessary maintenance and repair works and provides heating, lighting, cleaning, etc. services.
  • He/she provides periodic maintenance and repair of the machinery, equipment and service vehicles used in education, training activities and management duties.
  • He/she ınforms the relevant people about the announcements coming to the vocational school.
  • He/she provides the compilation and updating of statistics about the vocational school. 
  • He/she certifies the official documents and ensures that the documents are received from the staff and archived. 

Yayın Tarihi: 26/07/2022
Okunma Sayısı: 393